Digital images give a huge freedom in the way they can stored. There are various formats to store images, and this affects the manner in which these images can be used or altered. Raster images are easily editable by the help of various Bitmap editors which allows for their manipulation. On the other hand, Vector images are usually stored inform of shapes of the corresponding raster images, which are converted to Bitmaps to enable for visualization by monitors.
Raster to Vector conversion (R2V) is the process of changing raster images to vector shapes for various uses. A raster image is the usual image that can be termed as the raw image; that which contains colored pixels and can be described by a particular size or dimensions. A vector image is that which is decolorized, the pixels have no definite color and the image is flexible and easily scalable to any given size without losing its quality.
Vector Illustration & Conversion Service
Vector illustration is the process of manually sketching vector shapes with a given idea. This is useful in many ways in the digital present world. The illustrations are created using various photo editing and graphic design software such as Adobe Illustrator. Raster to vector conversion helps to eliminate the issue of image degradation when zoomed in or when it is to be used on areas that require a bigger dimension than the original image.
Image Vectorization Service Categories
There are different types into which vector to raster conversion fall. The categories are wide and depend on the technique used and the final output produced. Image vectorization has many applications in real life therefore there are different ways in which this can be achieved. Some of the vectorization categories include the following:
- Raster to Vector Conversion
Raster to vector conversion is the most common vectorization category. Raster images are those that have definite colored pixels and a defined size. Vectors are mathematical shapers representation of raster images. They usually do not have colored pixels and can presume any size as desired without losing quality. Raster to vector conversion (R2V) services helps in conversion of normal images to shapes that can be used for various purposes such as logos, banners and posters.
- Vector Line Drawing and Artwork Design
This is a service that is purely hand-drawn based. Shapes are being created manually using the free hand as required. These shapes are inform of sketches or virtual illustrations and pictures that are meant to represent something or can be purely abstract as well. This service involves making of accurate designs that can be used for various purposes. It is good to note that this is an activity that requires creativity and great skills in design.
- Vector Logo Design
Vector logo design is just a little different from the normal logo design. Here, the logos are created purely using line art and shapes that are not defined by their sizes and dimensions. Vector logos are more flexible on their applications than the normal logos because they do not at any given point lose their quality no matter the amount of stretch on them. They are ideal for clothe printing such as t-shirts, magazines, newsletters and much more.
- Vector Character Drawing For Animation
Vector shapes can be brought to live. These shapes are professionally created and then made into animations. Character and vector artworks are very important in business promotion and description. They can be used to give further details or guidelines about a product or anything as long as they are well illustrated and accurately presented in the vector animation. Vector character drawing for animation is a process also that requires extensive skills and knowledge.
- Product to Vector Design
Product to vector design and conversion is the process of converting an image of a real product into a line-shaped image representation. Images of products are converted to vector illustrations to allow for flexibility of rescaling for various uses on various platforms. This is preferred because the vector illustrations do not fade out even if they are zoomed in to large extents. These images can be used for product marketing or product advertisement as required.
- 2D CAD Design
2D images are those that consist of only two dimensions: mostly drawings. These images can be produced either by free hand pen and paper drawing or computer aided design (CAD). CAD can be used to produce mock ups of products, architectural designs, drawing and other illustrations for various uses. Though 2D designs are getting outdated and taken over by 3d designs, still they are quit helpful at some point.
- 3D Vector Conversion
This is the 2D design counterpart. However, as opposed to 2D, 3D designs are realistic designs that capture all the aspects of an object as perceived by the eye. 3D images can be converted into vector shapes with the same primary reason: to preserve quality for diverse applications. When 3D vector images are used, they can be stretched to any degree and still remain intact.
- 3D Product Modeling
3D modeling involves the art of creating vector representations of products for promotional services or marketing. A 3D mock up visual representation is made from the original image, or just sketched manually from a given idea.
- Vector Conversion of Raster File Formats
There are various file formats that can be easily converted to vector files:
• JPEG/JPG to vector
• BTM to vector
• PNG to vector
• GIF to vector
• PSD to vector
• PDF to vector
• TIF to vector and much more
These file formats represent the extension of the image file, which indicates the format in which the image file is stored. All these file formats are convertible to vector image files.
Why Our Raster to Vector Conversion Service?
Clipping Path Quick has got talented graphic designers who have majored in the art and with good hands on experience. We will professional help in any vector conversion needs with our able team at low prices and extra fast delivery. Please contact us for any inquiries.